Personal Website
Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 !!! the year of the tiger !!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Murali mama !!! i miss you
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fall 2010 begins
So this is it , FALL 2010 began with a bang , well that's because of 2 things
1) I am a Part - Time TA position in the department, yeah thats right , I teach now , grade and have my own office hours and lab support hours. I quit my dining hall job this semester. :)
2) I went on my 9 day vacation (includes long weekend) to Atlanta :)
The trip was exactly the boost I needed before taking up a really tough semester.It was me and Sheldon who traveled from NJ. We booked our flights from Philadelphia to Atlanta inorder to save some money :). Lucky for us , Sriram and Ashwin were also heading for their long weekend vacation to Portland, and they too like us had booked their flight from Philadelphia. So we got a late night drive from New Brunswick NJ to Philadelphia airport. Meeting Priyam after ages was the highlight , besides the aquariam and six flags trip. I had a great time there, recharged my batteries fully and now prepared for the long fall semester. I dread the oncoming winter though :(
ps. notes on atlanta, definetly visit Georgia Aquariam , Six Flags, Chow baby All American Stir restaurant and the cool student bar named Rocky Mountain aswell.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The universe has a way of balancing itself out. Physically, you have matter and anti-matter. Chemically, you have protons and electrons. Biologically, you have males and females. Ethically, you have Do Gooders and Douche Baggers.
When somebody does something bad, they should be expecting something bad to happen to them. That is karma. Conversely, if someone does something good, they can expect good things. All this happens, so the universe can balance itself out.
But sometimes, bad things happen to good people even though they haven’t done anything bad to warrant the bad thing. This isn’t the universe balancing itself out. This is karma on credit. Like a credit card.
Karma’s all like, “Hey, I’m going to do this really shitty thing to you, make your life miserable for a while and you’ll want to poison yourself with mothballs. But don’t worry. Don’t eat the mothballs yet! I’ll hit you back when the statement comes and your life will be awesome.”
But secretly, Karma knows that our lives are going to collectively end in 2012 and Karma’s not going to get charged shit. He just stole your good deeds, replaced it with something really shitty and now you’re dead. We’re all dead.
Thanks, karma. You really are a bitch. Go fuck yourself
this is a repost from :
credit to the original author
I just don't agree to the author's ending of the karma story
here is my version :
at the end of the day , karma pays back with interests...if you do bad things, and you are momentarily rewarded even though you don't warrant the reward, soon karma provides a pay back..with interest..
similarly when you do good things and shitty things happen to you, after sometime karma provides a pay back ..with interest..
so yeah !! karma is the way to go. !! do good things and good things happen to you..
i also wrote this quote up : "The universe has a way of balancing itself after almost making you believe that life is just a meaningless blob in time and space " - Gokul Menon
with that, signing off
ps. can't wait to travel to atlanta and meet priyam , summer 2010 ends and fall 2010 begins with a bang !!!